Sunday, February 21, 2010

Minis 1 & 2

I decided to play this year. :) I started off with a "speed paint" of a pirate I have always liked. He was undercoated white, washed all over with Devlan Mud and then I brushed on layers of thinned color as needed. Sorry the pictures are kind of crappy:

My second mini was one I started over ten years ago, a Necromunda Ratskin. I had done the skin tones and pelt, but never finished him. It killed me to not repaint it, as the skin tones looked pretty awful, but I figured it wasn't worth the time. I was playing around with some new techniques, so it's very muted overall. Mostly it's just done!

I'm working on a dragon tortoise right now, but he may take awhile...
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love that pirate, and great pics. I thought at first the boards seemed skinny, but on closer look I see it's just the wood grain that's maybe a little too straight in the sculpture.

  3. Wow, Fuffaderm! You have fans all over the world. How exciting! :)

  4. Seriously.

    Mike, you happen to know if we can set the blog to disallow this sort of spam?
